Sunday, 21 March 2010

FR Dagi &Italic

Soon - quite soon - Fr Dagi and its Italic will be released.

This weekend I had been busy working on it, polising and re-dreawing shapes, adding Ot features - case fractions, some encircled figures (two set), usual superscripts - and of course the small caps. In italic I placed many miscro-details and much more dancing curves. Enjoy, it was to craft.

Spacing was done, basic kerning also done - now testing and the additional candies what are planned to do.

After that I shall made some promotional material, a pretty small specimen and send it over all the distributors.

Soon. Quite soon.

Stay tuned, here or at my Facebook page, where you could become a fan also.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
1967-es Citroen 2cv prosi. :)
(Ld. Fontmunkások blog!)

Frank Béla said...

Nincs új a Nap alatt :)

Itt azért rendesen használták a vonalzót és körzőt :)


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